Tuesday 6 March 2012

Planning an empathic response

Plan an empathic response to the following questions:
You are John in The Yellow Wallpaper. Your lease on the house will expire in three weeks’ time and your wife has asked you to take her away.

Write your thoughts.

You are Mala in The Third and Final Continent (by Jhumpa Lahiri). You have just arrived in Boston and your husband has taken you to your new home. Write your thoughts.


You are Willadean in The Taste of Watermelon. You’ve just seen your father’s reaction to the theft of the prize melon.

Write your thoughts

You are the mother in On Her Knees.You’ve just found the jewellery.

Write your thoughts.

Plan by listing events referred to and key quotations which you could build a paragraph around.


1)      John’s response to his wife’s comments to a possible haunting – “an intense horror of superstition”. She mentions a strange feeling about the house and he closes the window, putting it down to a draught. Refuses to acknowledge she is ill in mind – wants to discourage her ‘nervous troubles.’ He claims there is no reason for them. She claims to see people walking in the garden and he says these ‘excited fancies’ need to be checked by exertion of her ‘will’. Implies she needs to pull herself together and get a grip on these wild fancies. P.39 he refers to the need for his wife to exert her ‘will and self control in order to repress silly fancies. P.40 he stops her mid sentence when she implies that her body improves but her mind grows worse. ‘A false and foolish fancy’

2)      Discussion with narrator’s brother about her symptoms and prescription required. John is convinced that his wife is getting better ‘you are gaining flesh and colour, your appetite is better.’ Promises her a trip away.

3)      Opposition to the act of writing – thinks it tires her out and focuses her on her condition. John’s sister thinks narrator’s writing has caused her illness (p.38).

4)      Talk of the wallpaper – she tells him of her imaginings about the wallpaper which at first he finds amusing and is willing to indulge her by changing the paper. However, he changes his mind because he believes she is letting her inexplicable fancies get the better of her and she needs to face them(p.36). Develop paragraph on her increasing obsession with it until he finds her touching the walls in the night on p.40 which is the point at which she asks to leave the house.

5)      Paragraph on why he doesn’t feel the need to leave – pleasant airy environment conducive to recovery, their own house is undergoing alterations and not yet ready for their return, he is very busy with work and commitments and often away, but his sister with them and looking after narrator in husband’s absence.

6)   Visit of Mother and Nellie and children. He thought exposure to society and stimulus of others would take her mind off own illness but seems to have tired her out more than anticipated. Increased pattern of crying and resting even more. Narrator really keen to visit cousins but not considered strong enough by John.

Friday 2 March 2012

More comments, please.


There are still a fair few entries missing here. Get them on asap!

Also, please make sure you roam around and read the brilliance of your peers...

Wednesday 29 February 2012

More notes on 'There Will Come Soft Rains'

Ray Bradbury: “There Will Come Soft Rains”                                                   
In this short short story, a third person narrator presents us with a narrative about a technically sophisticated house and its demise. Using the device of a talking clock, the story is structured around a house’s final day.
The narrative is largely descriptive, and it is through description of the house itself we learn that a nuclear blast has obliterated the house’s original inhabitants, a nuclear family (ooh, the irony) of mother, father, son and daughter. Despite the family’s absence, the house is still teeming with ‘life’, in the form of robot mice, automated devices and the house’s central computer.
Essentially, Bradbury presents the house as a ‘living’, semi-sentient entity, and its futile operations are, I think, presented as tragic in the absence of human beneficiaries.  
How key themes are presented and developed:
The story’s title is interestingly ambiguous and sets up a central theme from the outset: how seemingly harmless and indeed positive images of the natural and normal have – or can – become destructive. Although ‘soft rains’ would bring up associations of fertility and nurture, there is something ominous in the fact that it is presently presented as absent: it ‘will come.’ This absence might indicate that the narrative present is negative and void of the means for growth and development. We are, by extension, arguably presented with a dystopia. Adding to the tone of lament and negativity is the use of the adjective ‘soft’ in relation to a future state, especially if one considers the impact of the ‘hard’ rain of a nuclear fallout.
The sci-fi aspect of the story is also hinted at in the use of the future tense, possibly instilling the notion of this as a subtle morality tale. The narrative present is, as we’ll soon learn, utterly devoid of human life, and it is indicated that we are responsible for our own extinction. There is ‘life’ in the story, but this life is entirely artificial (bar the dog, which dies, and some stray references to animals and birds).
This is the central irony[1] of the story: humans have been destroyed rather than saved by their own technology. To reinforce this idea, Bradbury shows how human technology is able to withstand the demise of its maker, yet is ultimately destroyed by nature, a force which prevails over all others. The ‘soft rains’ of the title, then, are brought into play in order to show hope (although not necessarily for us).
Key techniques and examples of close reading (fitted to key themes):
a)      Language:
The anthropomorphic representation of technology is used interestingly throughout, possibly as a means of emphasising the absence of human life. Loneliness is evoked in the description of the house standing “alone in a city of rubble and ashes,” but it has been successful in “keeping its peace.” What we seem to be presented with is an approximation of an elderly person who inquires “carefully” and “quiver[s]” at sounds. Moreover, the verbs used, such as “sang,” “shuddered” and “recognised,” add to a picture of a sensitive, feeling entity, something which clearly is ironic when applied to a complex piece of kit “directed” by “an attic brain.” 
See also form
b)     Form:
Short paragraphs are used extensively throughout the story. In conjunction with the use of the clock device, the short paragraphs help accentuate a sense of a relentless march towards the end, possibly hinting at the destructive side of ‘progress.’
The short paragraphs are also setting up a contrast between the house’s actions and their effect. The frantic action of a short paragraph outlining how the house is setting up leisure activities for its inhabitants is undercut by the direct simplicity of the following paragraph: “But the tables were silent and the cards untouched.” The silence is enhanced by the space around the paragraph, and the muted echoes of the “flutter[ing]” cards and the “music played.”
c)      Structure:
Essentially covered in form and content bits – although further evaluation would be helpful (action juxtaposed with futility of action echoes and house’s meaningless sophistication echoes that of modern man’s. In the end, nature may hold out, but we, like the house, are ephemeral…)
Use of character and characterisation:
The story is incredibly interesting in its use of characters as the very lack of characters accentuate the story’s theme: our use of technology might one day be our doom. This is, therefore, a story that needs to be unpeopled.
However, one could argue that the story’s protagonist is the house itself – a tragic figure lacking in any real purpose. After all, Bradbury does anthropomorphise the house extensively, even possibly attempting to evoke pathos when we are told that “At ten o’clock the house began to die” and the process is made graphic by references to “oak bone on bone” and “voices wail[ing].” It is presented as being in pain.
Similarly, as we the narrative is focalised through the ‘character’ of the house, nature is presented as the antagonist. The events which instigate the demise of the house are presented as accidental, but the escalation of the crisis is again personified. “But the fire was clever,” we are told “as it sent flame outside the house.” Both the adjective used here and the verb “sent” present fire as wilfully destructive and even plotting. Indeed, “sent” might even bring up connotations of masterminding and organised leadership.   

Use of setting:
Paragraph needed here – but no time…Sorry!

[1] Bradbury uses irony to great effect in the story. Irony in this case means presenting an outcome of a situation that is the opposite of what one would expect. Thus, it is ironic that the same technology which created a house that can cook and clean is also the technology which destroyed all the people on the planet. Furthermore, it is ironic that such a sophisticated example of technology, the computerized house, can be destroyed by nature, represented by the tree limb which crashes through the window and starts the fire.

Your best language point on 'Marrysong'

Scott’s use of verbs in “Marrysong” is reflective of the poet’s presentation of love in the poem. In the first half of the poem, the verbs “learned” and “charted” reflect an unrealistic ambition of wanting to fully understand and even control one’s other, something which leads to confusion as the woman’s behaviour makes markings on his “map” “disappear(…).” A more positive model is presented in the last half, however, as Scott uses the verbs “accepted” and “wondered” about the man’s approach, indicating that he no longer thinks he can “know” his significant other, and, tellingly, this culminates in the verb “to find.” Consequently, Scott seems to suggest that one will find love through acceptance of the other’s differences and that openness and searching will lead to more happiness than any possessive approach.  

Your best form point on 'The Voice'

Hardy’s use of syntax is a powerful representation of the speaker’s sense of loss. While the long sentences of the first stanzas reflect the positive sentiment expressed in remembering “when [their] day was fair,” the disjointed syntax of the final stanza accentuated the realisation that the “woman” is gone.” The semi-colon used in “Thus I; faltering forward” is particularly effective as its ungrammatical inclusion adds to the feeling of the poet falling apart. A pause, in the form of the punctuation mark, follows “I” thus adding to the sense of isolation and loss. The speaker is now alone.

Some pupil close analyses of 'On the Grasshopper and the Cricket'

Keats’ use of sensory description is highlighting his engagement with and admiration for nature. Not only does  ”earth” itself emanate “poetry” – a word resonant of beauty and grace – Keats implies that it does so through its effect on us and the sensory description accentuates this. Starting with his description of the sensory through temperature, we are both presented with “hot sun” and “cooling trees. Tellingly, nature provides both, something which indicates Keats’ view of its complementary balance and brilliance. The sound, or anthropomorphic “voice”, of the grasshopper is adding aural texture to this, and the fact that it is given this human quality arguably lends it the same status as us; this small insect, a virtually microscopic element of nature, is elevated. As part of the same flowing description, we are then offered the smell of “new-mown mead.” Nature, then, is presented as both complex – as it is multifaceted and multi-textured at once and presented as superior to the achievement of man through its immortality – and simple – as seen through the easy flow of the enjambment running through this passage and the focus on the ordinary experience.
His reference to ‘The poetry of the earth is never dead’ shows clearly the never-ending cycle of creativity the fact that he uses the word poetry reiterates nature’s effortless achievements as poetry is something he himself spent his life perfecting.  He goes on to praise almost every aspect, the trees are ‘cooling’ the ‘luxury of summer’, as if everything is at its best.  Even the weeds become pleasant.
In ‘On the Grasshopper and the Cricket’, Keats mentions ‘some pleasant weed’ under which the grasshopper is resting.  The oxymoronic phrase vividly expresses his admiration – describing the weed which most would see as a nuisance as ‘pleasant’.  It’s saying that even the most mundane and common expressions of nature such as the weed are beautiful in their own way.  Furthermore, this point is extended by the fact that it is ‘some’ ‘pleasant weed’.  It could be any weed, any plant and Keats would still admire it.  The calm and restful nature of the line is brought out by ‘weed’ ending that section of rhyme, heightening its pleasantness, making it sound like somewhere I’d want to ‘rest as ease’.
Keats vividly expresses nature in the first half of the poem by using all the sense to show off how he feels about the place around him. He infers the smell of the ‘new-mown mead’ and the ‘voice’ of the grasshopper.  Also you feel the ‘hot sun’ and ‘cooling trees’.   This depth of sensory description conveys admiration for nature because the description is expansive and rounded.  The fact that you see, hear, smell and feel nature implies the natural world consumes all else, because it comes at you in every way that you sense things.
Keats expresses an admiration for the cricket in the latter part of the poem, demonstrating how the cricket can seem to bring back the warm weather through its song which is ‘in warmth increasing ever’.  Before the return of the cricket, words with negative connotations are used, such as ‘wrought’ and ‘shrills’, this enhances the relief that the summer and ‘song’ of the cricket bring.  The grasshopper, in contrast with the cricket, is a feature of the summer, when the ‘hot sun’ means that even ‘the birds are faint’.  The grasshopper, however, carries on as normal, ‘[his] voice will run’ when everything else is still.  Keats expresses an admiration for nature in that the grasshopper can continue to ‘sing’ when all else is silenced by heat, as can the cricket ‘when the frost/ Has wrought a silence’.

Keats uses the description ‘from hedge-to-hedge about the new-mown mead’ to pick up on the grasshopper’s work.  This compliments the phrase ‘he has never done.’  These two phrases show that the grasshopper is always moving – always wishing to give his song.  Keats admires the energy and willingness of the grasshopper.  The use of ‘has’ never done is interesting because it sounds different making it catching.  It is slightly contrasting with the rest of the poem because it goes against cycles by bring in the past tense.  But ‘never done’ returns to the cycle of continuation shown throughout the poem.

Keats uses the descriptions of the scenery to show that the changing of the seasons and the differences that they have are universal.  ‘From hedge to hedge’ implies that the grasshopper’s song reaches all through the meadow, as does the cricket’s song ‘when the frost/ Has wrought a silence’.  In both times of year, the music of the insects reaches to the very extremities of what they know – the grasshopper in his ‘new-mown mead’ and the cricket on the ‘lone winter evening’, both seasons describe the songs as the focus when all else is silent.

Notes and quotes on Much Ado (by you)

Much Ado About Nothing
Act 1 Scene 1

Summarise ‘your’ scene in proper prose. Then, write ‘perfect’ paragraphs – shedding light on themes, characters and Shakespeare’s craft.

In this scene Don Pedro and his followers return from war, this includes Benedick and Claudio. Beatrice and Benedick begin their ‘merry war’. The warrior’s decide to stay with Leonato. Claudio expresses to Benedick and Don Pedro his love for Hero. Benedick is unimpressed with his companion’s thoughts on considering marriage, and thinks his feeling will ware off in a few days. Don Pedro however offers to help Claudio to get Hero, they decide that Don Pedro shall pretend to be Claudio at the upcoming masked ball, and woo Hero for Claudio.

I think that the theme of this scene is comical, in the sense that Beatrice and Benedick are having continuous petty arguments, and are both trying to win. Benedick calls Beatrice ‘a rare parrot-teacher’, which means she chats a lot, she replies ‘a bird of my tongue is better than a beast of yours’. This means that even though she speaks a lot, at least she isn’t as ugly or bad at speaking as he is. the theme could also be cheery as Claudio expresses his love for Hero and his to comrades are helping him with his decision whether to woo her or not.

The characters are witty, such as Beatrice and Benedick, who are more similar than either of them would care to admit. Claudio, deeply in love with Hero and Don Pedro, who is trying to be helpful and friendly towards Claudio. 

Shakespeare has cleverly set the story (?) in the first scene, as you get the idea that Beatrice and Benedick have comical hate for each  other, and spend there time arguing . Then there is Claudio and Hero who have been set up to fall in love and become married.

In act 1 scene 1, Beatrice is accusing Signor Benedick of having a previous affair. She says, ‘And a good soldier to a lady, but what is he to a lord?’ In the first part of the quote, Beatrice seems to think that Benedick is a woman’s man; that he can simply draft in any woman. This seems positive, because she may be saying that he is a charmer, and that he is good to a lady. Then she says, ‘what is he to a lord?’ This may refer to a past instance where Benedick may have been caught with another woman, despite being connected to Beatrice. When referring to ‘Lord’, I think that she is referring to God, and how he would condemn such actions such as Benedick’s. Beatrice is particularly moody during the scene, so this is how I get the negative impression.

Act One Scene One
In act one scene one Benedick first puts forth his views, on women, he is extremely wary and mistrustful of them, he saysIf ever the sensible Benedick bear it [love], pluck off the bull’s horns and set them in my forehead, and let me be vilely painted.” His talk of the bull is a reference to ‘cuckolding’ which is an old word for a woman cheating on a man, after which metaphorical bulls horns appear on his head, as a sign of his shame. By referencing cuckolding Shakespeare is making it seem like Benedick thinks that if he fell in love, he would definitely be cuckolded. Benedick is clearly very afraid of betrayal, and he covers this insecurity by making a joke out love. Betrayal is a theme throughout the play, Don John betrays his brother Don Pedro, Beatrice and Benedick betray their firmly held beliefs against love, and Claudio is led to believe that Hero has betrayed him. This early reference to betrayal helps to set the tone for what is to come. Also, Benedick is beginning to build himself up for the gulling scene, where he is tricked into loving Beatrice, an act which he has so vehemently opposed beforehand.
As the warriors have returned victorious from war, their stay in Messina is one of relaxation and celebration, and they allow their minds to stray away from matters of war, to more frivolous matters. Claudio says “war thoughts have left their places vacant, in their rooms come soft and delicate desires.” This line helps to outline a lot of the plot, as all the story lines in the play are related to love. It also conjures the image of men, victorious in war, and now hoping to win in love as well, which is an image that could help to explain a lot of the behaviour, by men, in the play. The use of the words ‘soft and delicate’ contrasts with the men’s bloody thoughts of war, showing the change in the thoughts of the men, from warlike to loving.

In Act 1 scene 1 Leonato shows both excitement and panic when he hears the news about the men coming to Messina: ‘a victory is twice itself when the achiever brings home full numbers.’ This shows he is happy and is looking forward to seeing them because they will all be jolly after winning a battle and not losing many men. However, you can see that he is panicking because he is talking in short sentences: ‘Did he break out into tears?’ This is because he knows he has many preparations to make for the men and he knows they will expect the very best.
Also in Act 1 Scene 1, Beatrice and Benedick have their first showing of resentment towards each other: ‘(Benedick) Well, you are a rare parrot teacher. (Beatrice) a bird of my tongue is better than a beast of yours.’ They have these battles of wit because they once were a couple until they had a terrible break up, causing them to detest each other and constantly argue.


This scene shows the theme of eavesdropping, mistaken conclusions and misreporting that run throughout the play.

Antonio overhears Don Pedro planning to woo Hero, but mistakenly thinks that he is doing it for himself and not Claudio: “I can tell you strange news that you yet dreamed not of.” Antonio seems convinced that it is Don Pedro who wants to marry Hero and not Claudio. This is an example of all of the characters readiness in the play to believe what may first appear to be true, but may not be the actual truth, which has dire consequences.

Leonato is too hasty to tell his kinsmen to do something about the reported wooing of Hero by Don Pedro, “Cousins, you know what you have to do.” Here Leonato is so sure of this fresh news that he simply instructs his friends and family to try and stop Don Pedro. Here Shakespeare makes Leonato seem adamant about this, because he doesn’t even stop to explain to the audience, but gives them a simple but slightly vague instruction; making him appear casual and as if he knows that this will happen.

Act 1 Scene 3

In this scene we see Don John and his servants, Comrade and Borachio plotting. They are planning to interfere with the wooing of Hero for Claudio, as it is he whom Don John despises the most.

Don John’s real character emerges for the first time in this play in Act 1 Scene 3. It is also in this scene where the true reason of Don Jon’s joining of Don Pedro’s troop emerges. The story of the civil war and Don John’s loss can be excavated from the text.
This whole scene tells the reader that Don John is fed up of being lead by his half-brother and will do what he likes. This can be seen in the quote,” I must be sad when I have cause, and smile at no man’s jests; eat when I have stomach, and wait for no man’s leisure (…) and tend on no man’s business”. The view that no man should tell him what to do is the view that would have started his rebellion in the first place.
This whole scene contains many of the plays themes. These include deceit (from Don John) and reluctance (Don John having to be in the company of his half-brother whom he hates and the reluctance of Beatrice and Benedick to talk to each other or even see each other.

Act 1 Scene 3
In this scene Don John refuse to go to supper but his comrades try to convince him to go to cause less offence. But Don John is too bitter and arrogant. Then Borachio comes from the supper and tells them of the Don pedro’s plan to woo Hero on Claudio’s behalf. However Don John decides to use this information to his advantage, to betray Claudio.
In Act 1 scene 3 Don John show his rebellious spirit by saying ‘that [he] [would] rather be a canker in a hedge, than a rose in his grace.’ This shows that he would rather be the one who ruin an organised pattern like a hedge than someone who makes things better and and more beautiful, like a ‘rose in his grace.’ A ‘canker in a hedge’ would stick out and ruin the neatness of a hedge, which shows that Don John likes to ruin other people’s lives because he is naturally cruel and bitter. This scene is based on the stubbornness of Don John and this quote outlines that quite clearly.

Act 1, Scene 3
In this scene you get to see Don John in his true light for the first time in the play. Don John is revealed as not only being evil and seeking revenge but that he also accepts and likes the fact that he’s like this. Conrade tries to persuade him not to make a scene and attract and negative attention to his bad attitude, but for Don John, he needs revenge and won’t be content until he gets it. “If I had my mouth, I would bite: if I had my liberty I would do my liking”. This shows Don John has to repress his true feelings and colours lately so that Don Pedro and his army won’t try to exile him like they did before they arrived at Messina. Due to the fact Don Pedro forgave Don John, he now has to obey Don Pedro, which in his view, he believes his liberty has been taken and not only that but he has to be mute in front of Don Pedro, which in his eyes means he can’t “bite” or speak his true thoughts until he has his freedom.

Don John in act1, scene 3, says “there is no measure in the association that breeds, therefore the sadness is without limit” which sets the tone for the entire scene as it is in the second line. It shows how bitter and resentful he really is. He is jealous of Claudio for having fallen in love with hero and is angry with Don Pedro for beating him on the battle field

 The second quote is from the same act and is once again said by don john. “Will it serve for any model to build mischief on? What is he for a fool that betroths himself to uniqueness?” This clearly shows misogynistic attitudes, which is a recurring theme throughout the play.

Summary of Act one, scene three.
Don Pedro’s brother, Don John, is clearly a women hater. ‘What is he for a fool that betroths himself to unquietness’, meaning that which man would wish to get married and give himself nothing. No man would express feelings like this towards marriage. This shows Don John to be arrogant and portrays the feeling that he thinks he is above women and too mature to get married. As a reader it gives the impression that Don John is a rather shut away character if he has negative views on marriage and love, which are both positive things, which every man looks forward to in life.

Act Two, Scene One

In Act one scene two, Leonato and his older brother, Antonio, speak about the afternoon’s events in Leonato’s house. Antonio tells Leonato that one of his men overheard the Prince telling Claudio that he wants to ask for Hero’s hand in marriage. Leonato and Antonio are excited and prepare to warn Hero. They think that the Prince is in love with Hero, not Claudio, when in fact it is actually Claudio that is in love with Hero.

In the play the occurring themes that always seem to come up are:  Overhearing, plotting and misunderstanding. In this particular scene all of these are used. One of Antonio’s men and Borachio, Don Pedro’s assistant, both overhear Don Pedro and Claudio having a convosation. Borachio understands it correctly where-as on the other hand Antonio’s servant misunderstood what they were saying and reports the incorrect information to Leonato and Antonio. ‘(…) the prince discovered to Claudio that he loved my niece your daughter (…)’, this gets both the men falsely excited, as this information that has been given to them both is not true. So when it comes to the dance they will be expecting the wrong man to ask for Hero’s hand in marriage.  ‘I will acquaint my daughter withal’. Leonato is determined to persuade Hero that the Prince is the right man for her, but before this scene we have learnt that Hero much prefers Claudio, who in fact loves her too but because of the misunderstanding it confuses the situation. As a reader we get the impression that it doesn’t matter whether it is Claudio or the Prince who asks for Hero’s hand in marriage as they are both royalty and it would give the family a higher name and make Leonato look better as the head of the family.

During Act 2, Scene 1 the masked ball occurs. At the beginning Beatrice talks to Hero about her ideal man, stating that she is happy about staying single. Even though Beatrice is not married herself she mockingly advises Hero on marriage advice. As the masked ball commences the woman take the chance to mock their ‘hidden’ partners, this is shown as Beatrice knowingly mocks Benedick behind his ‘disguise’. Meanwhile Don John and Borachio tell Claudio, falsely, that Don Pedro plans to take Hero for himself. Claudio is easily deceived by this tale and hears that Don Pedro has won the heart of Hero, at this Claudio creeps away. Don Pedro hears of this and assures Benedick that he has kept his promise to Claudio; he then informs Claudio that he has done it on his behalf, Claudio and Hero are then formally engaged. Don Pedro offers his hand in marriage to Beatrice, but she refuses. Don Pedro thinks up his plan to trick Benedick and Beatrice in to falling for each other.
Perfect Paragraphs
Throughout Act 2, Scene 1 the main themes of the play are echoed through the portrayal of the main characters actions during the masked ball. The ball is a chance for all the men to hide behind a false identity showing deceit, it also shows love as Hero and Claudio are betrothed and finally it shows mischief as Don John and Borachio plot against the proposed marriage of Claudio and Hero. This is shown as Claudio is speaking ill of Don Pedro believing to have stolen Hero from him, “Thus I answer in name of Benedick, But hear these ill news with the ears of Claudio”, this shows the deceit and lies that is occurring throughout the play. Claudio has pretended to be Benedick; this echoes the significance of the masks and the theme of deceit. Claudio has lied to Don John and Borachio as he has been hiding behind a false identity, again this relates to the theme of mischief.

Act 2 Scene 1.
 Description and Evaluation

The masked ball is taking place and don john has a plot to try and ruin Claudio’s marriage. Don Pedro asks Beatrice to marry him she declines. Benedict also talks to Beatrice but Beatrice does not know its him and so talks as if he is not there saying all the faults he has about himself. Don johns plot fails and the scene ends.

The scene focuses on one of the key aspects of the play itself ; deception. This is highlighted by the fact that at the party everyone wears masks. It also shows how rugged a man would have to be to marry Beatrice and highlights the way she is a very unique woman. This is shown by the quote: “he that hath a beard is more than a youth: and he that has no beard is less than a man: and he that is more than a youth, is not for me, and he that is less than a man, I am not for him.” this shows off one of the main themes of the play, that Beatrice is proud of her strong female attitude and does not believe any man would be able to handle her. This is conformed when she turns down don Pedro’s request of marriage.


In this scene Shakespeare shows how the society in Much Ado can turn on its head when given the chance, in this case the masked ball offers the opportunity for the women to get away with insulting men because of the façade that the masks offer them. For instance Hero, deemed to be of lesser social status than most men, insults the prince Don Pedro when he tries to woo her for Claudio, “Why then your visor should be thatched.“ Here she is mocking him for his lack of hair- if he were Claudio he would have a full head of hair- and possibly taking the insult deeper by implying that he might also be lacking in intelligence or acceptance; by the fact that he does not see women as important or of much worth. This shows the opportunity of empowerment given to the women in the form of the masked ball, which they take and make good use of.

At the end of 2:1 Don Pedro, Hero, Claudio and Leonato plot to trick the bitter enemies, Benedick and Beatrice, into loving each other, “Cupid is no longer an archer, his glory shall be ours, for we are the only love-gods.” Here Don Pedro has built them up to be the “only love-gods”, which shows their arrogance in the situation; Shakespeare has continued his hubristic theme, not only to Benedick but the others now, showing the audience that a huge fall or ‘mishap’ is going to happen imminently. They are mocking Cupid, a god, which shows their extreme pride and it is ironic because they think they possess the powers to make people fall in love, but even the ’lowly’ audience, let alone the gods, know that they are creating a disaster that will unfurl on them in the near future.

When Leonato tells Beatrice that “you may like a husband that hath no beard” we see how little he understands the workings of Beatrice’s mind, as it is obvious that a man to suit Beatrice should be the manliest of men.

When Beatrice says “no, but at the gate, and there will the devil greet me like an old cuckold with horns on his head, and say, get you to heaven,” Shakespeare shows us a glimpse of how highly Beatrice thinks of herself. This also shows that she is religious but has no fear of going to hell – perhaps even that she is too much to handle for any man, including the devil.

Act 2 Scene 2

Don John first plot against Claudio has failed. Borachio comes up with an even more scheming plan. He is to get Claudio and Don Pedro to see him “getting it on” with Margret and make it seem as if it was Hero.

The theme of confusion in the play is portrayed in Don John’s character. Don John uses oxy morons, “what life is in that to be the death of this marriage” This use of words that shouldn’t be there, shows his madness.  It also sets a surreal mood, when good words are used instead of bad words.
Act 2 Scene 2
In Act two scene two Borachio and Don John plot against the marriage of Claudio and Hero, Don John hates Claudio because of his successes in the recent war against him. He says “Any bar, any cross, any impediment [to the marriage], will be medicinable to me.” I find this quote interesting because it is one of a number of examples of how the characters in the play speak in superlatives; Benedick and Beatrice, when they speak against love, Claudio when he speaks of his love for Hero, and Don John and his hatred of Claudio. Generally, the more vehemently the character supports or opposes something, the more likely they are for it to not work for them, for example, Beatrice does not have a single kind word to say about Benedick, but she still falls for him. It is also one of the quotes that most aptly outlines Don Johns evilness, he says that any barrier to Claudio and Hero’s marriage will “be medicinal to me,” he is evil enough, that just the thought of the pain of Claudio heal and soothes him.

In Act two scene two, Don John starts talking to Borachio about Hero’s relationship with Claudio. Don John expresses his feelings about Claudio: ‘I am sick in displeasure to him.’ Showing how he does not like Claudio. This is because he is jealous of Claudio becoming Don Pedro’s new ‘right hand man’, Making Don John want to make him unhappy and fail.
Also, in Act two scene two, Borachio acts as Don John’s ‘sidekick’ in that he is doing his dirty work for him and tricking Claudio to believe that Hero is cheating n him with Borachio himself: ‘and there shall appear such seeming truth of Hero’s disloyalty, that jealousy shall be called assurance.’ This shows how they are making it seem that Hero is being disloyal and untrustworthy when she isn’t even involved in the scenario.

Act 2, Scene 3

Benedick’s friends joke at his expense and Don John claims he has proof of Hero’s infidelity. Claudio and Don Pedro vow to shame Hero in public if she is proven unchaste.

This scene begins in a comic way with Don Pedro and Claudio making fun of Benedick while Benedick is trying to tell them that he had fallen in love. It then turns more serious at the end of the scene when Claudio and Don Pedro are told about Hero’s apparent disloyalty.
While jesting Benedick, Don Pedro says ‘Hath any man seen him at the barbers?’ This is Don Pedro and Claudio joking about Benedick falling in love and therefore becoming more vain and worried about his looks. This is made even more comic by the fact that Don Pedro and Claudio know that Benedick is talking about Beatrice who he has fallen in love with due to them tricking him into thinking she is in love with him. This scene shows the major change in Benedick’s character so far in the play by asking if he has been to the ‘Barbers’ it also highlights the fact that he is now conscious of his age as they then go on to talk about him shaving his beard to look younger.

Act 3, scene 1
Act 3, scene 1 takes place in the garden.  Hero, Margaret and Ursula begin to make their plan on Beatrice in Leonato’s orchard. Hero tells Margaret to run and get Beatrice to come to the orchard so that she will overhear her conversation with Ursula. Hero and Ursula begin to speak about Benedick’s excellence. Hero says that she will try to convince Benedick not to love Beatrice because Beatrice is too witty and strong to love another person. After their set-up, Ursula and Hero leave saying, "Some Cupid kills with arrows, some with traps" Beatrice is so delighted that she decides she will be in love with Benedick. She is charmed and says she will try and keep the strong love that she thinks Benedick feels for her.
In this scene, Hero seems more confident and expressive.  An example of this is when she tells Margaret to go and find her cousin ‘Good Margaret, run thee to the parlour, There shalt thou find my cousin Beatrice.’ Her real personality and her role of a woman really shows here. Another example of Hero’s behaviour is when she is referring to Beatrice as ‘ haggards of the rock’, meaning, haggards are female, wild hawks which are hard to train. Therefore Hero is saying that Beatrice can’t be tamed. Also, the reference to a rock, shows that there is no hope in Beatrice changing, as rocks are unchangeable.

Act 3 Scene 1
Act three Scene 1 is the gulling of Beatrice. In the scene Ursula and Hero discuss Beatrice, bringing to light several aspects of her character, and tricking her into believing that Benedick is in love with her, they do so whilst Beatrice is out of view but within earshot. Ursula and Hero are very critical of Beatrice’s character, and take the opportunity to be quite harsh, as Beatrice cannot fight back. After Hero and Ursula have left Beatrice seems very shocked about their revelations, and seems very determined to reform her character.
Throughout the play so far Beatrice and Hero’s relationship has been portrayed as one of friendship. However in this scene Hero definitely does not mince her words in her criticism of Beatrice, and despite the clear hyperbole used, it is obvious that many of Hero’s comments are heartfelt. She says “She turns every man the wrong way out, and never gives to truth and virtue, that which simpleness and merit purchaseth.” Hero is saying that Beatrice is unable to see the virtue in a man, but instead insists on twisting everyone one of his merits, so that they become a fault. Hero also uses the word “she turns every man the wrong way out,” which connotes flaying, and old form of torture, where a man’s skin would be pulled off his body, so Beatrice is torturing men’s virtue’s in to faults. Hero continues to criticise Beatrice, mimicking what she would say about certain qualities in men, “If tall, a lance ill-headed: If low and agate vilely cut.” The whole passage is a metaphor for ill-construction.
 However, I do think that Hero shows herself to be quite cowardly in this scene, because she is very happy to criticise Beatrice when Beatrice cannot fight back, but she has never voiced any of those opinions in front of Beatrice. Hero says “If I should speak, she would mock me into air.” But, if Hero was a good friend to Beatrice, then she would gently confront her and help her to reform her character, rather than talking about her behind her back. The phrase “mock me into air,” implies that Hero would vaporise into the air, if Beatrice were to mock her, this connotes that Hero is a very delicate creature, and this comes into play later on, as Claudio confronts her on the untrue accusations of his infidelity, because she is portrayed as a gentle being you feel sorry for her.
At the end of the scene, we hear a soliloquy from Beatrice. It is after she has heard all that Hero and Ursula have said about her, I would expect her to be shocked and upset by the aspersions cast on her character. Indeed Shakespeare does portray her as being surprised. Beatrice says “what fire is in mine ears?... Stand I condemned for pride and scorn so much?” Shakespeare uses the metaphor of fire, as if the accusations on Beatrice have set her on fire. But Beatrice seems determined to reform her character, she does not rage, or try to offer justifications, but seems accepting and repenting. “Contempt farewell and maiden pride adieu,” I think Beatrice’s previous defensiveness was a defence mechanism, in order to protect her from future hurt, because she seems to be able to say farewell to her pride with the ease with which she might throw of a coat.

Summary of Act three, scene one.
Beatrice’s attitude is portrayed as Hero sees it through her eyes. Hero believes the Beatrice’s attitude is very arrogant and someone who places the blame on everyone else but herself, as shown in this quote, ‘If black, why Nature drawing of an antic, Made a foul blot’. Here, Nature’s made a ‘foul blot’, i.e. Benedick, but it’s not just nature who has messed up, man has too. In those days it was the men who were educated and who wrote, so the blot is also a make endeavour. This round’s up Beatrice as a pessimist with a very cynical view to men.

Act 3, Scene 1
At the end of this scene, in Beatrice’s soliloquy, it shows her fickle mind and how she has been able to change her mind in such a short space of time. “And Benedick, love on, I will requite thee,” It seems that based on what Beatrice has just heard from Hero, that she likes the feeling of having someone who supposedly loves her, and in this she has become desperate; so much so that she is willing to change her views on men and Benedick in particular, resulting in a slight personality change within her. She even started talking romantically, something she’s never done before in the play and something you’re not used to as a reader and catches you unaware. However there is still a side of her that shines through, and that is her bossiness; she uses an imperative to tell Benedick to love her, which is an unusual way to say it as she’s only just found out that he loves up. The way she says it makes it seem like a barging; i.e.: if he loves her, then she’ll be able to love him, which shows there’s still a huge part of her still there even though she seems blinded by love.

In Act 3 Scene , Hero is tricking Beatrice into thinking Benedick likes her, Hero says “she would press me to death with her wit.” This presents Beatrice as a bully, which is the character that Beatrice presents by her wit and aggression towards Benedick. Most women feel intimidated by her and this outlines her character.
Also in Act 3 Scene 1 Hero tries to portray Benedick as a passionate character by saying that “Benedick [is] like covered fire.’ Fire is an exciting and dangerous element which is used to describe passion and desire. So therefore when Benedick is described as fire his character is desired by Beatrice.

Act 3 Scene 3

In Act 3 Scene 3 of Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing Dogberry’s words to his guards and the trust they put in them reflects ther themes of the play.
“If you meet a thief, you may suspect him, by virtue of your office, to be no true man: and for such kind of men, the less you meddle with them, the more is for your honesty” this may at first appear simple it actually is saying it is better to find a thief and to leave him than to arrest him! His guards (Seacoal and Verges) do not fully understand what Dogberry is saying to them and may not believe him, however still go along with what he is saying.
This is true for many moments in the play, including the Gulling of Benedick and the Duping of Beatrice, as both of these characters believe what others say and draw the wrong conclusions out of it.

Act 3 Scene 3 Close Read

                This scene while comical in fact belief the lines of “comedy” incorporates many of the themes of the play (ie confusion, chaos deception mask etc…)  a bit in a slightly less serious way. This can be shown by this quote: “If you meet a thief, you may suspect him, by virtue of your office, to be no true man; and for such kind of man the less you meddle or make with them, why the man is honesty.”Here we see Dogberry basically saying that if you expect some to be a thief (criminal) you should let them go as that is more honest? This obviously Dogberry saying the complete opposite add into this that (for once) Shakespeare wanted him to appear rambling with have a very confused (one of the many “themes” of the play) scene. The idea of opposites is also extremely prominent.

                If we look at a second of Dogberry’s opposite day quotes where in answer to a question from one of the watchman about what to do if they hear a child crying. Where he tells them basically to leave and let it wake its mother/nurse. Before going in to an obscure animal simile about ewe’s and cow were says (in relation to the nurse) that if they don’t wake when another person’s child cries (i.e. the child in their care) they won’t when their own. However while many will put this down as another part of Dogberries rant I believe that for once Dogberries taking sense. Why should the watch have to deal with crying baby the police wouldn’t today, while his animal simile also makes a lot of sense with the idea of training the nurse to listen to a babies cry. No for once I believe that (unintentionally) Dogberrys making a lot of sense   

Act 3, Scene 4       
                This scene is set just before the wedding of Hero and Count Claudio. Margaret is helping to prepare Hero into her wedding dress. Beatrice soon comes in and Hero and Margaret soon start jesting with her about her relationship with Benedick.       
                This scene is very light-hearted and it involves Hero, Margaret and Beatrice before the wedding. When Beatrice comes in the topic of conversation soon changes about Benedick and they soon start joking about her love of him.
                ‘Get you some of this distilled Carduus Benedictus, and lay it to your heart.’
                Shakespeare is using his wit here; he is fitting in the name of Beatrice’s lover into the name of a ‘supposed’ medicine. This is a light hearted way of showing both Beatrice’s and Benedick’s love for each other, as normally names of medicine are extravagant names and so Shakespeare fits it in well.
                Furthermore, during this scene, both Hero and Margaret act as if they didn’t know that Beatrice was listening in on them the day before, when she was being duped.
                This is clever of Shakespeare as it builds up the tension and drama of the relationship between Beatrice and Benedick. Therefore, when all is revealed towards the end of the play the finale is more comical for all the characters and the audience.

Act 3 Scene 5

                At the beginning of this scene Leonato is busy with preparations for the upcoming wedding. When Dogberry and Verges come to him to explain their arrest of Borachio and Comrade however rather than explaining the arrest they only annoy him with their constant ramblings. Even when they finally get their point across Leonato doesn’t realise the significance of what he’s been told and instructs them to conduct the Trial himself, unaware of the significance of their discovery.

                If we look at the Characters in this scene we have two major ones. Leonato the exasperated father of the Bride who is rushing around in the sea of chaos that is pre wedding preparations. We then have Dogberry who; for the few lines barely mentions anything about the crime but purely seeks to flatter Leonato. Again we have his constant rambling though this time without malapropritisms but more exaggerated respect. Eventually, but only after Leonato asks to leave “I must leave you // One word sir” he eventually tells him that he and the watch have arrested two criminals.  

                This scene also shows us many of the themes of the play. Leonato plays out the ideas of chaos and confusion by being: rushed in relation to the wedding, not really understanding what Dogberries saying and finally by failing to grasp the severity of what Dogberries saying about the two prisoners. Dogberry meanwhile continues to be confusing but more importantly continues to remind us of his place in society by his overly humble attitude toward Leonato. This idea of class while not specifically about women still shows us about a bit from a different angle (ie levels of class not male/female)

Act 4, Scene 1

This is arguably the most important scene in the play, because everything unravels and the disaster that has been in waiting strikes.
It starts at the wedding where Claudio refuses to marry Hero on the grounds that he believes her to have cheated on him; Don John and the trusted Don Pedro also say that they saw her cheating on him. Hero faints out of embarrassment and shock, so Don John, Claudio and Don Pedro leave.
Leonato wishes Hero to be dead, because of the shame she has brought his family; but Friar Francis believes Hero to be innocent and yet another plan is drawn up. Hero pretends to be dead in an attempt to win back Claudio; otherwise she will have to go to a nunnery.
At the end of the scene Benedick confesses his love to Beatrice and she reluctantly reciprocates the feeling. Forcing Benedick to prove his love Beatrice, she asks him to kill Claudio, after deliberating Benedick finally sums up the courage to say that he will challenge his best friend Claudio.


In this scene Claudio accuses Hero of a heinous crime: he believes that Hero has cheated on him just before his wedding. At the start of the scene Leonato represents the insecurity felt by many of the characters and also the audience going into this scene, “You come hither, my lord, to marry this lady?”
                “To be married to her: friar, you come to marry her.”
Here he cannot believe what he has just heard, so like on many occasions in this play, he corrects what he thinks is wrong – the friar - in a desperate attempt to make thinks right. Claudio has obviously just rejected the offer of marriage to Hero; Leonato hears this, yet he still tries to make things right, by vainly covering up the cracks which have already been deep-set earlier in the play. Here he represents the final hubristic* moment in the play before the huge collapse of many of the characters, plans and expectations. Later on in the scene Shakespeare shows some of the dire consequences of all the character’s hubris, or pride, building up to this: “Death is the fairest cover for her shame”, Leonato has just said that death would be better for Hero, his own daughter, than living through it. Leonato rejects Hero as a daughter on news that he has been told in the last five minutes, and one of the informers is a known liar and deceitful person- Don John. This is conveying the character’s naivety and misplaced pride throughout the play.

*He arrogantly corrects a Friar, who would be expected to know what he is doing at a wedding ceremony.

Act 4 Scene 1

In Act 4 Scene 1 of Shakespeare’s Much Ado about Nothing , we witness a huge twist in the plot which really show us what the characters are really like. We see that at the wedding of Claudio and Hero, Claudio accuses Hero of losing her virginity to another man and cheating on Claudio. Claudio calls her a ‘rotten orange’ and is backed up by Don Pedro and Don John, the latter having tricked both of them into thinking this with a cunning trick. However I believe this scene is dominated by the breakdown of the relationship between Leonato and Hero and how he reacts towards her. Leonato feels angry at Hero and ashamed of her and also ashamed with himself at him by being her father. His emotions are ruled by sad nostalgia and he reflects on the love and pride he felt for her ‘But mine, and mine I loved, and mine I praised’ and now the shame he feels now that her honour ‘is fallen’. Also, quite shockingly Leonato goes as far as wishing her dead ‘Do not live, Hero’ implying that he thinks she has already ruined her life enough and may even be selfishly thinking his life is ruined as all his political ties with Don Pedro are severed and his reputation in tatters. As the scene goes on, Friar Francis makes a plan to repair the situation but I can’t help thinking that because of what has happened will Hero be able to look at her father in the same way again?

Act 4 scene 4

In Act 4 scene 4, Leonato acts in a very confused manor: ‘Are these things spoken, or do i but dream?’. This shows that he is so lost for words over the news that he’s hearing, that he does not believe it. This is embarrassing for him and his family, so close to having a noble marriage and his daughter throws it all away. Leonato feels ashamed of Hero, the bonds that he made with Don Pedro’s men over the years would now all be for nothing. After that, Leonato speaks as if Hero means nothing to him now: ‘Hence from her, let her die’ In other words, he no longer see’s her as his daughter.